Tag Archives: charts

Top 20 Data Visualization Tools

Every researcher or practitioner of quality (or pretty much any other subject, for that matter) needs a great toolbox packed with flexible visualization tools. I am very happy to see this list of “Top 20 Data Visualization Tools” that came out last week. For me, it’s like a TO DO list! Although I am THRILLED to see #18 (R) and #19 (Weka) on the list, I’m also happy to get some new ideas for what to learn next. I’m thinking #16 (Processing) and #20 (Gephi) and next, it’s a toss up between #7 (Visual.ly) and #9 (Tangle). Preeeeeety.

Bar Charts and Segmented Bar Charts in R

Here are a couple of tutorials I’ve written to help anyone who’s interested in learning how to produce simple bar charts or simple segmented bar charts in R, given that you have some data stored in a CSV file that you can use. Please leave any comments if there are ways I can make this information more clear and useful. Thanks!



mnm-data (Note: This is an Excel XLS file! You need to download it and re-save as a CSV for the R examples to work.)
